Only 13% of You Will Attend This Talk
Friday July 18, 2014
Please come and join us this coming Friday at Spark Plaza for a free coworking day! We will have breakfast provided for you at 9:00 AM and lunch for you at 12:00. Bring a friend, your computer, and come enjoy working and good conversation with others!
After lunch, Jose and Eric Olle, the founder of Immunonetics Inc., will be sharing about what probabilistic programming is. They will be sharing what it is, how it can help your business, how it can help you make personal decisions, and ultimately how it can change the world. They will be explaining why math is so important in every facet of our lives and we will be looking at several examples. They will also be sharing how probabilistic programming can effect your websites SEO, what you order for dinner, and even how gene therapy could eradicate cancer! Don’t miss this exciting talk by Jose and Eric as they have a lot of good things to say and share with us.
Hack-Sig is also having their monthly meeting this Thursday, July 17th at 6:00 pm here at Spark Plaza. As a reminder, they always hack after the meeting so be sure to bring your gear and join!
We are always looking for new geeky meet up groups to host here at Spark Plaza. If you have a group and need a place to meet, please talk to us about it and we would love to help you out and host your group.
We also have several office spaces still available for rent. If you are looking for a fun place to work we would love to have you join our team. Please contact us soon if you are interested as spaces can go fast, especially in the summertime.
We look forward to seeing you all this Friday and hope you have a great week!
Jose, Shannon, Sophia, Olivia