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Last Friday, April 1st 2016, Spark Plaza celebrated our SEVENTH anniversary! It is hard to believe that we’ve been coworking in downtown Johnson City for seven whole years. What an amazing ride it has been!

Since we’re all feeling sentimental and nostalgic this week, why not take a trip down memory lane? Here are seven of our favorite Spark Plaza moments, from the day (or 117 years before) we opened, up to last week’s birthday bash. Thanks for coming along the ride!

1.Transforming the second floor of 201 E Main Street into something new: Spark Plaza.

Friday (1)


2. That time we were all YouTube sensations during for our first anniversary…IMG_1951


3. Sunset time is disco time. Things get funky just about every evening.Processed with VSCO with a4 preset

4. On our birthday a few years back, a nice cake decorating contest turned into a cake destruction contest, essentially.



5. Remember that time someone stole our sign and held it for ransom on Facebook? Maybe that warrants itself a spot on the worst memories list…



6. The Orange Carpet: one could describe this event as a Johnson City’s equivalent to L.A.’s Oscar red carpet pre-show. Yeah? Maybe? We’ll go with that.



7. Of course our 7th Birthday Bash belongs on this list! It’ll be hard to top the rebirth of the maple-bacon donut…


Click through the slideshow below to relive all of these infamous moments, and many, many more. This leaves you with one final question: what’s your favorite Spark Plaza memory?